Discover Stoneybatter’s Hidden Creative Gems with Culture Underground


We had the exciting opportunity to speak with Shane Holohan ahead of the Stoneybatter Festival Culture Underground Art Walk.

Culture Underground, an innovative initiative dedicated to unlocking local creativity, is making waves with its unique approach. The project aims to spotlight the artistic talents hidden within local communities, starting with Stoneybatter.

"We wanted to create a new way for people to unlock the creativity that’s all around them, embedded in their local area," explains Shane Holohan, the founder. The initiative's focus on Stoneybatter stems from its reputation as a "cultural sleeping giant," rich with writers, artists, and musicians.

The mission and vision of Culture Underground are clear: "By highlighting all the creativity that’s around us, we hope to inspire others to open up their own creative pathways."

Stoneybatter Festival and the Walking Tour

From June 21–23, the Stoneybatter Festival will feature the Culture Underground Art Walk, a virtual tour that promises to be both surprising and enriching. Participants can explore creative works mapped out across the neighborhood. "Because it’s based on a map, participants can stop at any point and encounter a creative experience nearby. It’ll be surprising, we hope, and also a good way to enjoy a cultural walk without having it guided and defined by a leader," the organiser shares.

As you walk through beautiful Stoneybatter during its annual festival, members of the public can see your poetry virtually at different points along the way. By clicking a link on a map we provide, your audience will read your poem on their phones before walking to the next point to see the next piece.

The selection process for locations and artists involved both known talents and new submissions from local creators. "Some we already knew about, but we also chose based on asking local artists and creators to send us work so we could showcase it," he explains.

Broader Cultural Context

“Art is all around us here, and it’s not been commercialised like in other areas. It’s not as obvious, which means it’s there to be discovered.”

Stoneybatter stands out as a unique artistic community in Dublin, characterized by its organic, non-commercialized creative presence. “Art is all around us here, and it’s not been commercialised like in other areas. It’s not as obvious, which means it’s there to be discovered,” notes Shane.

While submissions are still coming in, the diversity of participants is notable. "We’ve had work from poets, visual artists, sculptors, spoken word artists, songwriters. We’ll be revealing who is participating closer to the festival. What we love is that some are well-known, some are beginning their creative journeys, and that is important to us – it’s about celebrating all the creative energy of our community in Stoneybatter."

The tour will highlight both traditional and modern artistic expressions, showcasing the eclectic nature of Stoneybatter’s artistic scene. "There’s a nice blend here of the traditional and the modern. Down the road, there’s a trad session going on. Behind that door is an artist working on a painting. Over there’s a cellist practicing. It’s eclectic and you’d be surprised just how much of it is so close to us all."

Impact and Engagement

Culture Underground hopes the art walk will elevate cultural awareness and foster a sense of pride in the community. "We hope it will elevate our knowledge of what’s around us culturally, and give the area a sense of pride. Also, this walk will exist after the festival, and more and more artists will be able to add to the melange. It’ll enhance Stoneybatter’s reputation as an artistic village."

Engagement with local artists and residents has been crucial in the planning and execution of the tour. "Firstly, we’re inviting artists to participate. This is either by direct invitation or via the submissions window. Our collaboration with the Stoneybatter Festival is, in itself, a very powerful engagement with the community. And of course, members of the community will – we hope – enjoy the walking tour and get to know the area’s creativity a little bit better."

The response from the community has been overwhelmingly positive. "We’re delighted by the enthusiasm of artists, writers, and musicians who’ve responded, and especially important is the support and encouragement of the Stoneybatter Festival. They really get the uniqueness of what we’re doing, how we’re bringing together culture and a walk through beautiful Stoneybatter to create a new way for creativity to be shared and enjoyed."

Challenges and Opportunities

Organising this event has come with its challenges. "Once we hit on the idea, executing it has really come down to getting on with a multitude of small tasks. Finding the people who are quietly doing great creative things in their houses or in small groups meeting locally. Encouraging them to take a leap and put their work out there. Building the website. Telling our story on social. We’re a small team, so we’ve relied a lot on help from willing friends, for which we’re endlessly grateful."

Looking ahead, Culture Underground sees numerous opportunities for future cultural initiatives. "There’s a wall covered in Post-Its capturing our thoughts on what’s next for Culture Underground. At the core of what we are doing is building a way for creativity to escape the confines of rooms, galleries, and stages, and bringing it to our open spaces. To put it in your hands while you walk, and bring culture to some of your 10,000 steps."

Future Plans

After the Stoneybatter Festival, the team hopes to expand Culture Underground to other communities. "We hope this will roll out to other communities around the city and, in time, beyond, so that the cultural heart of any community can join the Culture Underground. We want to talk to any groups of creatives about showcasing their efforts in this new way."

To support Culture Underground's future endeavors, the team encourages people to get involved. "Share, enjoy, sign up, send work, and most of all, make this first one a success. Come for a walk and see what cultural treasures you discover along the way."

Submission Details

From June 21–23, you have a unique opportunity to showcase your poetry on the streets of Stoneybatter. The Culture Underground Art Walk, in partnership with the Stoneybatter Festival, offers an exciting new way for your work to reach a wider audience.

We invite all of Dublin 7's creative folk to submit their work for inclusion in a virtual journey through our neighborhood's artistic soul during this year's Stoneybatter Festival. Take your place in the heart of Stoneybatter's vibrant cultural life with "The Stoneybatter Festival Culture Underground Walk" – a virtual journey through our neighborhood's artistic soul. Experience the diverse expressions of our community's artists, writers, and musicians, all at your fingertips. Whether you're just beginning your creative journey or have been creating for decades, this is for all the creative folk of Stoneybatter and Dublin 7.

What kind of art can I submit?

This is open to:

  • Visual art (photography, painting, drawing, illustration, craft, sculpture)

  • Writing (poetry, flash fiction)

  • Performances (spoken word, music, dance, theatre, short film)


The Stoneybatter Festival is a daytime, family-friendly event. All work submitted must be suitable for this audience. This is a celebration of the cultural life of Dublin 7 and nearby areas (e.g., the north and south city centre). Welcoming work from people with a connection to Dublin 7. Whether you live here, work here, study here, used to live here, have a family connection, or are part of a group based here or nearby (e.g., DWF, Smithfield Creatives), your submissions are welcome.

Submissions are open now until June 5th.

For queries, email:
To submit your work, visit: Submission Form

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